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Dos Idiomas, Un Mensaje

Two languages, one message. As Catholic communicators, we must reach out to the members of our parishes who are Spanish-speakers, because they form a huge part of our family of faith here in the United States.

Here are a few examples of publishers who are doing just that:

1. Fully bi-lingual La Fe

Magazine of the Diocese of Laredo, Texas
Bishop James A. Tamayo, publisher
Joana Santillana, editor 

The Diocese of Laredo sits close to the Mexican border, and most of its residents are primarily Spanish-speaking. When Bishop Tamayo began La Fe, it was important to him that both Spanish- and English-speaking members of the faithful were evangelized through its pages. La Fe is fully bilingual, with its Spanish and English content running side-by-side on every page. This enables all its readers to experience the magazine from cover to cover—in whatever language is most familiar.

2. Two editions in one, NC Catholics

Magazine of the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina
Bishop Michael Burbidge, publisher
Rich Reece, editor

NC Catholics incorporates a special Spanish section into its magazine—but instead of placing it in the middle of the magazine, they have a second Spanish cover on the reverse of the English one. The reader can flip the magazine over to read inspirational faith stories and news coverage from around the diocese in either language. The special design means that the powerful impact of the cover image and headlines is available to both Spanish and English readers.

3. Spanish content online, Acadiana Catholic

Magazine of the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana
Bishop Michael Jarrell, publisher
Stephanie Martin, editor

The Acadiana Catholic chooses to provide Spanish content online to reach those who receive the magazine, as well as visitors to their website. They use FAITH’s columns about work, marriage, parenting, theology and prayer—translated into Spanish for free. Online readers can find out how to bring faith into the workplace, or get advice about marital problems, in their native language. Particularly popular is In the know with Fr. Joe, a lively Q-&-A column about the faith, written by Father Joe Krupp.