FAITH Catholic publications win a record 81 CPA honors
FAITH Catholic clients, staff, and freelancers won a record 81 honors at the first-ever virtual Catholic Press Awards on July 2, 2020. In 2019, FAITH Catholic's publishing group won 57 awards. In 2018, the group won 43.
"What this honor really demonstrates is the dedication, talent and hard work of all the editors, writers, designers, photographers, marketers and collaborators," said Patrick M. O'Brien, FAITH Catholic president and CEO. "Each one of these talented communicators, from all over the United States, is making a difference in the Church today. They are not only doing excellent professional work, they are bringing to life the Church’s message in compelling, beautiful and hard-hitting ways. They are, in fact, evangelizing."
O'Brien stressed that honors from the Catholic Press are wonderful, "However, even better is knowing that these magazines are being read." He cited recently completed readership survey results that show Catholics spend time with each issue and that reading these magazines helps them know their faith better so they can share it. "In every issue, we help equip disciples so they can better evangelize," O'Brien said. The results of the readership survey also showed diocesan magazines are reaching Catholics who would otherwise not choose to follow the Church on social media, watch Catholic television, listen to Catholic radio or otherwise seek out the Church online.
"Now, more than ever, with so many away from the life of the Church, we need to communicate the greatest message of all – that Jesus Christ is the source of happiness in this world and the next.," O'Brien said.
Content Evangelist congratulates the following recipients of Catholic Press Association awards:
2020 Catholic Press Awards -- FAITH Catholic client group
- Best Illustration with Graphic Design or Art First Place Unleash the Gospel, Christine Warner, Editor
- Best Annual Report Honorable Mention Southwest Michigan Catholic, “Catholic Schools Diocese of Kalamazoo 2019-2019 Annual Report”
- Best Ad Copywriting Second Place FAITH Magazine, Diocese of Erie, “Don't Worry, Be Jolly”
- Best Ad Copywriting Third Place FAITH Magazine, Diocese of Erie, “Jump Start Your Monday Mornings”
- Best Promotional House Ad Third Place The Central Minnesota Catholic, “Reader's Guide to Making the Most of The Central Minnesota Catholic”
- Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication - Color Second Place FAITH Magazine, Diocese of Lansing, “The Father’s Love, Diocese of Lansing Youth Ministry”
- Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication - Color Third Place FAITH Magazine, Diocese of Lansing, “Witness the Difference, Diocese of Lansing High Schools”
- Best Single Ad Campaign with Publication - Color Honorable Mention Faith Erie Magazine, St. Paul's Special Mass for Cancer Awareness
- Most Effective Use of Small Space First Place FAITH Magazine, Diocese of Erie, “What a Catch”
- Best Layout or Article Column - Diocesan Magazine First Place Southwest Michigan Catholic, “Making it to the Big Show: Saint with a capital "s"
- Best Layout or Article Column - Diocesan Magazine Second Place Faith Erie Magazine, The Man Behind the Baton
- Best Layout or Article Column - Diocesan Magazine Third Place FAITH Lansing, You Need God to Live The Sacrament of Marriage
- Best Layout or Article Column - Diocesan Magazine Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Eyes on Tokyo
- Best Layout or Article Column - Professional and Special Interest Magazines First Place Content Evangelist: “How Transparent is the Church?”
- Best Layout or Article Column - Professional and Special Interest Magazines Honorable Mention Content Evangelist: “Forgive You Father, For You Have Sinned”
- Best Cover for Color - Large First Place Content Evangelist: “How Can We Help Heal Our Wounded Church?”
- Best Cover for Color - Large Second Place Unleash the Gospel, Unleash the Gospel Magazine
- Best Cover for Color - Large Honorable Mention Faith Erie Magazine, The Man Behind the Baton
- Best Use of Typography First Place Faith Erie Magazine, The Man Behind the Baton
- Best Use of Typography Second Place FAITH Lansing, You Need God To Live The Sacrament Of Marriage
- Best Use of Typography Third Place Faith Erie Magazine, God, Family & Beer
- Best Use of Typography Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, St. Vincent de Paul Micro-Loan Changed Lynda’s Life
- Best Use of Typography Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, How I Encounter Christ in the Sacraments
- Best Regular Column - Arts, Leisure, Culture and Food Second Place FAITH Lansing, "Culture" Column
- Best Regular Column - Bishop's Column in a Diocesan Magazine Second Place The Central Minnesota Catholic, From the Bishop
- Best Regular Column - Bishop's Column in a Diocesan Magazine Third Place FAITH Lansing, From the Bishop
- Best Regular Column - Bishop's Column in a Diocesan Magazine Honorable Mention Parable Magazine, Bishop's Message
- Best Regular Column - Family Life Third Place Parable Magazine, Marriage and Family Life
- Best Regular Column - Family Life Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, Marriage Matters
- Best Regular Column - Spiritual Life Second Place FAITH Lansing, In the Know with Father Joe
- Best Editorial Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Walking Humbly With God On A Path To End Racism
- Best Essay - Diocesan Magazines Second Place Parable Magazine, The Theology of Reparation
- Best Feature Article - Diocesan Magazines Second Place Faith Erie Magazine, Single Collegiate Moms
- Best Feature Article - Diocesan Magazines Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Residents Encounter Christ
- Best Feature Article - Prayer and Spirituality Magazines First Place Soul Magazine, The Disillusioned Man And The Summer Of 1917
- Best Explanation of Marriage First Place FAITH Lansing, Explanation of Marriage
- Best Explanation of Marriage Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Two Generations of Love
- Best Personality Profiles - Laity Third Place Parable Magazine, Hamisi Juma's Faithful Safari
- Best Personality Profiles - Laity Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, After Escaping From Terror In Africa, Balthazar Says ‘Life Is Easy If You Put It In God’s Hands’
- Best Personality Profiles - Religious Leader Second Place Southwest Michigan Catholic, The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Best Reporting on a Special Age Group Honorable Mention Parable Magazine, Keeping Faith with Teens
- Best Reporting of the Celebration of a Sacrament First Place FAITH Lansing, For Father Lew, ‘It’s An Honor To Serve The Sick’
- Best Reporting of the Celebration of a Sacrament Third Place FAITH Lansing, Now We Can Be Together With Jesus
- Best Reporting of the Celebration of a Sacrament Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, Theology 101
- Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues - Call to Family, Community and Participation Second Place New Jersey Catholic Magazine, A Sign of Faith
- Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues - Care for God's Creation First Place The Central Minnesota Catholic, Care for God's Creation: A Legacy of Faith
- Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Solidarity Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Brianda Cediel Lives and Teaches Servant Leadership
- Best Sports Reporting Second Place New Jersey Catholic Magazine, Kicking it for Cancer
- Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate First Place New Jersey Catholic Magazine, Becoming a Priest in These Challenging Times
- Best Seasonal Issue or Section First Place The Central Minnesota Catholic, Who Do You Say That I Am? Advent 2019
- Best Special Issue First Place The East Tennessee Catholic Magazine, Understanding the Exodus
- Best Special Section First Place FAITH Lansing, Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal Update
- Best Special Section Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic, Called to Serve All
- Best Special Section Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, Teen Issue Section
- Hot Topic – Best Coverage on the Sexual Abuse Crisis First Place FAITH Lansing, Coverage of Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal
- Best Multiple Picture Package - Feature First Place Catholic St. Louis Magazine, Enthusiasm For Life
- Best Multiple Picture Package - News Third Place Southwest Michigan Catholic, Ignite the Faith
- Best Photo Story - Feature First Place Catholic St. Louis Magazine, Shepherds of Peace
- Best Photo Story - Feature Second Place Soul Magazine - World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, Honoring The Centenary of the Chapel of the Apparitions
- Best Photo Story – News Second Place FAITH Lansing, Kelly’s Production Of Cross And Light Is Coming To Lansing
- Best Photograph – Portrait Second Place Parable Magazine, Battle Tested Faith
- Best Photograph – Portrait Honorable Mention Parable Magazine, Crafting the Light of Christ
- Best Photograph –Still-life Photo First Place FAITH Lansing, St. Luke’s Little Summer Salad
- Best Photograph –Still-life Photo Second Place FAITH Lansing, Tuscan Bean Soup
- Best Photograph –Still-life Photo Third Place FAITH Lansing, St. Joseph’s Day Pasta
- Best Photograph – Sacramental First Place Faith Saginaw, Sunbeams at Holy Spirit on Bishop Gruss
- Best Photograph – Sacramental Second Place FAITH Lansing, Deacon Ordination 2019
- Best Photograph – Catholic Education Third Place FAITH Lansing, Beth’s Retirement Job at a Catholic school Led to Her Conversion
- Best Photograph – Immigration/Migration First Place The Central Minnesota Catholic, Construyendo Puentes
- Best Photograph – Immigration/Migration Second Place FAITH Lansing, After Escaping From Terror in Africa, Balthazar says ‘Life is Easy if You Put it in God’s Hands’
- Best Photograph – Color Honorable Mention Parable Magazine, Gate City Bike Co-Op: A Hub of Hope and Dignity
- Best Cover – Spanish Language Magazine Second Place FAITH Lansing, Para Rocío, ‘Dios Nos Da Oportunidades Todos Los Días Para Que Veamos Su Rostro En Los Demás’
- Best Coverage – Immigration Spanish Language Magazine Honorable Mention FAITH Lansing, Immigration Coverage
- Best In-Depth Analysis Spanish Language Magazine Third Place Cross Roads, El Dia de La Tierra—'Nuestra Oprimida Y Devastada Tierra'
- Best Interview Spanish Language Magazine Second Place FAITH Lansing, Quiero Que Sepan Que Son Amados Y Que Dios Está De Su Lado
- Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues - Dignity and Rights of the Workers Spanish Language Magazine Second Place FAITH Lansing, Para Ray y Grace, Server A La Comunidad Es Su Segunda Naturaleza
- Hot Topic – Best Coverage of the Crisis at the Border Spanish Language Magazine Third Place FAITH Lansing, Coverage of the Crisis At The Border
- Best Photograph Spanish Language Magazine – Color Second Place FAITH Lansing, Para Rocío, ‘Dios Nos Da Opportunidades Todos Los Días Para Que Veamos Su Rostro En Los Demás’
- Magazine/Newsletter of the Year - Diocesan Magazines First Place Unleash the Gospel
- Magazine/Newsletter of the Year - Diocesan Magazines Third Place Faith Erie Magazine
- Magazine/Newsletter of the Year - Diocesan Magazines Honorable Mention The Central Minnesota Catholic
A special congratulations to two additional individuals of excellence from the Diocese of Erie and Archdiocese of St. Louis.
- Communications Director of the Year Second Place Diocese of Erie, Anne-Marie Welsh
- Photographer of the Year First Place St. Louis Review and Catholic St. Louis Magazine, Lisa Johnston