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The Financial Case for Diocesan Magazines

At FAITH Catholic, we mostly talk about the advantages for a diocese to publish a magazine over a newspaper from an evangelization standpoint. Such as the longer shelf-life and high impact of magazines over newspapers. We talk about the fact that even though only 21% of Catholics attend Mass each week, 84% who receive magazines using our format find them interesting, 86% say it helps them understand our faith better, 74% say it helps them evangelize by being better able to explain their Catholic faith to family and friends, and 83% say it increases their awareness of what the diocese is doing. 

But for this blog post, we are going to talk about the financial advantages of working with FAITH Catholic to produce a magazine for your diocese.

  1. Purchasing power saves money: FAITH Catholic is America’s largest publisher of Catholic periodicals. That means we have tremendous buying power. Plus, we partner with the world’s largest print procurement firm. That means we not only get high-quality printing at the lowest price, we have the most stable pricing. In nearly 20 years of publishing for Catholic dioceses, we have only had to pass along a single modest price increase. That’s right, only once. It’s an astonishing track record of FAITH Catholic’s purchasing power to create fiscal stability for our client dioceses. 

  1. Being more efficient: For 53% of the dioceses that work with FAITH Catholic, they employ one editor, who is able to produce the entire publication. That person is often also the communications director. For all dioceses working with FAITH Catholic, we are able to help them free up their communications and publications staff. No matter how large the staff, working with FAITH Catholic frees up your diocesan staff up to focus on producing local content. It saves money when dioceses don’t have to invest in capabilities that can be done elsewhere for much less such as graphic design, production, digital publishing and other work that FAITH Catholic can do more efficiently.

  1. It encourages stewardship: FAITH Catholic readership surveys show that the dioceses working with our magazine framework are able to encourage stewardship and inspire giving. Percentage who say, “My diocesan magazine from FAITH”: 

    1. Encourages me to support my parish financially 66%

    2. Inspires me to use my gifts and talents at my parish 64%

    3. Encourages me to give to the diocesan appeal 55%

  2. High impact for a low cost: Since FAITH Catholic serves more dioceses than any other Catholic publisher, the average production cost is very low. For a beautiful, full-color, custom, local diocesan magazine from FAITH Catholic, which includes access to our content, design and printing, a digital edition is $4.90 per year per Catholic home. Because the average diocesan cost for producing a magazine is less than $5 per year, per subscriber, most of our client dioceses are able to afford to reach every Catholic home with their magazine.

With FAITH Catholic, each diocese has 100% control over their magazine content. Each magazine can be 100% local. And it works. FAITH Catholic magazines that replace diocesan newspapers are popular and effective. We work with your existing newspaper staff to help them make the model work for your diocese. For some newspaper editors who were initially resistant to changing to a magazine format, most came to love working with FAITH Catholic and love their magazines. They came to see their jobs as critical to the mission of evangelization because of the positive feedback from the people and clergy. People love these magazines. They share them and keep them.