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 | Elizabeth Martin Solsburg, FAITH president and CEO

How to use witness stories to evangelize

Witness stories may seem like a nice option to include in a communications strategy when editors and writers have the time or material to do so, but they are more than that. Readership surveys prove that stories of Christian witness compel people to seek out and read Catholic content. “Witness stories are a key piece of content evangelization,” says Elizabeth Solsburg, FAITH’s president and CEO. “They invite readers to learn how other ordinary Catholics live out their faith. Witness stories also continue Jesus’ practice of using parables to teach others about discipleship.”

Looking for ideas for inspiring stories of Christian witness? Here are 100 topics that could serve as a springboard for your editorial plan. 


Leading college students to Christ

Should engaged people convert before their wedding?

Making a pilgrimage to a holy shrine in the U.S.

Visiting the Holy Land

Coming back to the faith by caring for a sick family member

Conversion through forgiveness of childhood trauma

Reluctant retreatant experiences true conversion

Teacher or coach who converts because of students

Believing is seeing —a former atheist now sees the presence of God at every turn

How a virtual Camino de Santiago brought someone to Christ


A person who lived through a job loss and what that experience taught them

Legal protections for expression of faith at work — someone who fought for the right to wear a cross or have a holy picture on their desk

Learning humility by being overlooked for promotion

When a family business goes out of business

Using retirement to live the life of a seasoned servant

Mentoring young people as a way of giving back

Why Christian businesspeople open their books to others

A person who sought professional fulfillment over a high salary

Is it OK to talk about faith at work?

Praying on the job


Ministry to walk with parents of terminal newborns

Recovery from a teen suicide

Spousal grief after a long marriage

Young widow or widower story — raising young kids on their own

The unique trauma of first responders and how one relies on faith to cope

Grief programs for children

Returning to work or school after the death of a close family member

Recovery from a mass shooting

Catholic cemeteries provide a sacred home for love and loss

Bible study groups for high stress jobs such as ER docs, judges, prison workers


Why the priesthood is still relevant

Why become a deacon? One man’s journey

Finding the right “fit” in a religious order

What are the steps of discernment?

When God says “no” to a discernment call

Following the ordination journey

Profile: seminarian parents

What do military chaplains do?

Today’s cloistered sisters

The holy vocation of single life


Family member struggles with Fentanyl

Seeking a family member lost to addiction and homelessness

Recovery story of a college-age alcoholic

Heredity connection in addiction — story of a father/son or grandfather/grandson who fight addiction

Profile of longtime AA leaders

Profile of a priest who experienced addiction

Phone addiction almost ruined a family until parents set a new example

One man’s journey back from pornography addiction

The 12th Step — carrying a message of hope to others in the clutches of addiction

Never give up: How a relapse in addiction finally brought someone close to Christ


Baby showers led by pro-life teens

Adoption as answered prayer

Prison ministry on death row

End of life care for a young mom or dad

Caring for an elderly parent with dementia

Welcoming immigrants shows God’s love to those who seek a home

Catholic who volunteers at maternity ward to hold babies

Learning about a baby’s disability while still in the womb

A person finds his/her birth mother and thanks her

Abortion regret led to help for pregnant mothers in need

Education & Formation

“My RCIA Journal” — ask someone to chronicle their RCIA journey

Young adult who teaches religious ed

The important role of a high school chaplain

Retired person giving back at Catholic school

Must we send our kids to Catholic school?

Teens creating Catholic podcast for videos or using social media to evangelize

Beyond the Bible — Catholic book clubs help adults continue learning about their faith

High schooler goes on Kairos retreat and changes life plan

Family members who teach at the same Catholic school

A parent/child receiving sacraments together

Social Justice

Finding people on the margins in your own backyard

Knights of Columbus member who finds people to serve

Parishioners put caring for the environment into action

Overcoming the sin of racism

Pro bono lawyers use the courts to find God’s justice

A victim who forgives his assailant

How a convict turns life around, helps victims of crime

Teaching Bible study in prison

How cyberbullying brought someone to Christ

Creating a new life after prison


Saying grace in public and other ways to live out Catholic faith day to day

Should you go to a friend’s gay civil wedding ceremony?

How to include non-practicing family members in holidays

Understanding depression in teens

Blended families, blended faith

What is an annulment?

A family torn apart by politics rediscovers their shared faith

Passing on an heirloom family Bible

Building faith into a family reunion

Road tripping to America’s most famous Catholic shrines and cathedrals


The challenge of tithing — one family’s approach and why

How the Church cares for the chronically homeless

Catholic Eagle Scout gives back to community

Recovering from a tragic fire

People who volunteer after natural disasters

Walking with someone who is mentally ill

Longtime food bank volunteer offers food for thought

Clothing donation ministry offers dignity and hope

Mental health care saves families, builds community

Getting close to people around the world through Catholic charities